BLE Generic Attribute Profile (GATT)

See this Microchip Developer page: The Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) establishes how data will be organized and exchanged over a Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) connection.Certain use-case-specific profiles (GATT-Based Profiles) are standardized by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG): - Heart Rate Profile - Proximity Profile - ...GATT uses the Attribute…

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A UUID is a Universally Unique Identifier. For BLE devices, the 128 bit UUID represents a specific profile, service or data type. It is guaranteed to be unique across all space and all time according to the Bluetooth 4.2 spec. Each UUID is a 128 bit value. Some examples are:…

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Pair HC05 BT Modules

Steps taken from comments on an Amazon listing for DSD devices: I bought two of these to allow me to communicate between 2 arduinos. I had googled a little and it seemed simple enough from the examples I had seen, but once I got the chips I discovered none of…

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Arduino Nano 33 BLE – LSM9DS1 Magnetometer

Inside the LSM9Ds1 IMU on the Nano 33 BLE board is a three axis magnetometer. Although it is packaged inside the same chip as the accelerometer/gyro, it is a physically distinct device with its own address and registers. The purpose of a magnetometer is to measure magnetic field strength. It can be used as the basis for a compass that will allow you to get a pretty good estimate of magnetic North.


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Syntax Highlighting

Prism.js Code fragments can be displayed with automatic syntax highlighting Simply use the normal fence ticks in markdown and add the language like this. ```cpp void loop(void) { MDNS.update(); server.handleClient(); } ``` Many languages are supported here but not all that are available from the full set available. This installation…

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Markdown Cheatsheet

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This cheatsheet is extracted from the Markdown Here Wiki on Github This is intended as a quick reference and showcase. For more complete info, see John Gruber's original spec and the Github-flavored Markdown info page. There is also the official Markdown Cheatsheet from Wordpress Table of Contents Headers Emphasis Lists…

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